Category: Blog
Countenance and Heart of the Shaykh: Portrait of a Sufi Master (Audio)
Shaykha Fariha al-Jerrahi reads the chapter from Shaykh Nur’s Atom from the Sun of Knowledge (Lex Hixon) Dergah Podcast · Countenance and Heart of the Shaykh: Portrait of a Sufi Master
Countenance and Heart of the Shaykh (Excerpt)
You alone, my Beloved, are protection, support, inner force, and true being. Always courting my soul, always in sympathy, you are my rapture, well-being and joy, the thrill of my existence, the consecration of my life. I kneel in your presence, heart in prostration, enraptured and exalted by your essence. The straps of your sandals…
Leap of the Dervish (Excerpt)
The dervish is a fertile field cultivated by Divine Power. Advancing step by step through seven stations of wisdom along the way both arduous and joyful, making every sacrifice, the dervish completes this steep path, this royal road. The leap of the dervish is the radiant storm of love filled with exultation. This heart becomes…