Muzaffer Ozak and Lex Hixon Archive Foundation Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation whose purpose is to obtain and provide funding to collect, maintain and preserve audio-visual material, books, papers, and all things related to Muzaffer Ozak and Lex Hixon, two prominent members of the Sufi community. In addition to preserving such materials, the corporation shall endeavor to provide public forums where interested members of general public can view the materials. The initial goal of the foundation was to build an archive of the material by digitizing them from their analog storage formats (audio and video cassettes, photographs and slides, books and newspaper clippings), in order to preserve them for posterity. The archive is now producing materials in a variety of media formats and spaces, such as films, books, cds and the web. The foundation intends to continue to disseminate the material to the general public.
Muzaffer Ozak & Lex Hixon Archive Foundation
245 West Broadway
New York, NY 10013