Author: molharchive
Dhikr Ceremony with Shaykh Muzaffer al-Jerrahi at Masjid al-Farah (1980)
April 4, 1980 Masjid al-Farah Mercer Street, NYC
Countenance and Heart of the Shaykh: Portrait of a Sufi Master (Audio)
Shaykha Fariha al-Jerrahi reads the chapter from Shaykh Nur’s Atom from the Sun of Knowledge (Lex Hixon) Dergah Podcast · Countenance and Heart of the Shaykh: Portrait of a Sufi Master
In the Spirit – November 21, 1980
With Shaykh Muzaffer & the Halveti-Jerrahi dervishes One hour interview on mystic hymns and chant with host Lex Hixon Shaykh Nur A moving television presentation of one of Shaykh Nur Lex Hixon’s In the Spirit interview series, this program includes live chanting of the Islamic call to prayer, hymns sung by dervish adepts from Turkey,…
The Mother of Wisdom (1994)
Host: Wendy Girard Guests: Dr. Lex Hixon & Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris Pangaea Productions
The Concheros (1988)
Aztec Dances of the Concheros With Lex Hixon, New York City, 1988
In the Spirit: Sufism and the Remembrance of Allah (Live Radio Interviews 1978-82)
In the Spirit: Sufism and the Remembrance of Allah (Live Radio Interviews 1978-82) with Shaykh Muzaffer Ozak Al-Jerrahi & host Lex Hixon (Shaykh Nur al-Jerrahi) MOLH Archive Foundation · In the Spirit – Sufism and the Remembrance of Allah
Open Space Beyond Religion (1993)
Lex Hixon speaking as “Open Space Beyond Religion” at the Parliament of World’s Religions (with Jonathan Granoff), September, 1993, Chicago, IL MOLH Archive Foundation · Open Space Beyond Religion (1993)
Turning Inward #07 (with Shaykh Muzaffer al-Jerrahi – 1980)
What is sufism? / repentence / direct experience of God / obstacles on the path / the meaning of dhikr